Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day

  1. A day in which those who died in active military service are remembered.
  2. Monday May, 30 the last Monday of May.
  3. Visit and take some cookies to a nearby Veterans Hospital.  

On Memorial Day it is a day to celebrate and honor our dear Veterans because they fought for our freedom. They had the guts to fight and sadly they lots the live while trying and succeeding.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight Great Reasons to Tell the truth

Barbara A. Lewis
  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.

  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.

  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.

  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).

  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.

  6. You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies keep your story straight.

  7. You gain reputation for being truthful - a trait most people value.

  8. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful. Inside.

What I think this quote is saying is that if you want to be a good person you should never hide the truth. Because hiding the truth can lead to bad things that no one want in there life. So if you want to be a trustworthy person you should never hide the truth. If you want something you tell the truth and you will get what you want no matter what happens. For example like Pinocchio he was cursed, if he ever told a lie his nose would grow and he would tip over hor how heavy his nose was for telling the truth.

Yoga Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities: Monitor fitness level and requirements of all participants and design classes to suit individual need.
Salary: $36,900 median average. $66,530 in the top 10 percent of the salary range.
Education: Your major source on understanding yoga is to study it wisely to master  the yoga techniques.  
Demand for this profession: Yoga therapist is projected to grow 12 percent from 2014 to 2024.
Reflection: I would like to become a yoga therapist because it is a calm and soothing job to be in it is not boring but relaxing.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Dan Dierdorf

"If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how' everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right’ I'm going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf
What I think this quote is trying to say is that if you always do the right thing right everything you want will fall in place for you. For example if you want something right away but in order to get that thing you want you have to do something in return, but you have to do it perfectly , and you say OK but at the end you mes up everything they told you not to do. And if you did the right thing the right way like they asked you you would have gotten the thing you wanted right away, but you decided that it’s you who's doing it so you don't care and you don’t get what you want. So if you want something you have to chose the right and do the right thing right all the time.

Wellness Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: They mostly work at schools and they help kids with their health and support them with there
Salary: $49,480
Education: You will need at least a bachelors Degree.
Demand for this Profession: 21% 2012- 2022
Reflection: I would not like to become a Wellness Specialist because I don’t know the education that is required.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Greater Value

“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
Dennis Prager.
What I think this quote is trying to say is that everything you do has greater value that what you have bought.  For example if you ever bought an expensive car and said this has more value than anything well you were wrong nothing has greater value than the great values you have. You may not see them in you or at all but you will always have great value within you. If you were to do something for someone you would have great value even for doing that simple little thing you did for that  person you didn’t even know. If you do the right or wrong you will still have great value. Because everybody is the same no one is different.


Duties and Responsibilities:  Veterinarians care for the health of animals and improve public health.
Salary: The make about $88,490 a year.
Education: They must have a doctor medicine degree from an accredited veterinary college.
Demand for this Profession: It is said to grow 9% from 2014 to 2024.
Reflection: I would like to become a veterinarian because I like animals.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

An internal Phenomenon

“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: Self-respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.”
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
What I think that this quote is trying to say is that if you do something that is beyond right it doesn't matter if there is no big reward or any reward at all. All that matters is that you did the right thing to help another person out. If you don’t get rewarded by money or anything it doesn’t mean that they don't appreciate the fact that you helped out with what they needed to be helped with.

Sports Medicine

Duties and Responsibilities: Sports Medicine is supposed to help their athletic performance and prevent future injuries.
Salary: They make about $161,205 a year.
Education: Education that is required is a bachelor's degree and take classes of doctor medicine.
Demand for this Profession: It is projected to grow 18% from 2012 to 2022.
Reflection: I would like to become a Sport Medicine because It's like playing a sport but you're the only one that knows what to do.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Phillip Riggs Four Success Tips

  1. Work hard.
  2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
  3. Don’t chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
What I think that Phillip Riggs is trying to say is that if you ever have a passion don't ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do what you want to become and don't let them bring you down. And don't ever chase after money just do what you have to do and the money will come after you and you won't have to worry about things that you don't have. And if you serve people that are not or are related to you you will get rewarded no matter what you do with yourself just by helping them out or by telling them if you could help them. And if you want something that is hard to ever get then just work hard to achieve it and get the thing by doing your best and working your hardest. If you work hard you will always get rewarded.

World Records

  1. Most records broke from Guinness World Records.
  2. Cory Cotton, Coby Cotton, Cody Jones, Tyler Toney, Garrett Hilbert.
  3. Their world record was set back in 2009.
      5. My favorite world record is the Dude Perfect world record for breaking the most world records from the Guinness World Records Book.
      6. They Broke a Farthest Frontflip Basketball Shot.
      7. I would not break any world records because if i ever did it would always be broke by someone else that has dedicated their life to break that world record.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Choose The Right

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
What I think this quote is trying to say is that if you were ever to choose the right from the wrong or the wrong from the good don't ever choose the wrong the wrong leads to bad consequences that can not be undone. For example if you were at a party and you friends to you to take a drug and you chose to do the right thing and not take the drug you did the right thing without facing the consequences. And if that day you chose to actually take the drug you would have done the wrong thing and would have probably gotten in trouble with cops or you parents because of how you would react to the drug that you didn't know what it was. So if you ever dont want to get into big trouble always choose the right no matter in what situation.


Duties and Responsibilities: Chefs handle the chefs that have to cook the food for the customers and they direct them step by step.
Salary: There yearly pay is $41,500.
Education: They have to have 5 or more years of work experience.
Demand for this profession: It is said to grow 9% FROM 2014 TO 2024.

Reflection: I would like to become a chef because would show me how to cook different kinds of foods.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Captain America Civil War

In the movie Civil War Captain America and Iron Man go to battle because of a mistake that Captain Americas Friend did. And Iron man gets mad at that and he fights captain America till Iron man lasers off Buckeyes arm and Captain America destroys Iron Mans chest.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pam Knox

“It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”

What I think this quote is trying to say is that when you step up to say something to someone at the right moment is that you are choosing the right. Like when you are at a game and you score a goal and the other team say it wasn't and you step up to say that it was because he was behind the line you did the right thing to the team that deserved the goal. If you ever think that it is a bad moment to say something then just go for it it's better to say it instead of keeping it to yourself.

Speech Pathologist

Duties and Responsibilities: What they do is they diagnose the patient and see why they stutter and help them not to stutter.
Salary: $70,810 is there yearly pay.
Education: Master’s degree in speech language pathology.
Demand for this Profession: It is projected to grow 19% from 2012 to 2022.

Reflection: I would like to apply to do that job because it is very easy you are just helping other kids to speak when they stutter when not capable of doing so.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Word of Honor

“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls--walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground--there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.”
What I think this quote is trying to say is that if you were to be locked in jail and you knew that you had a possible chance of escaping then you would instead of staying in there. But if you gave your word to stay and you didn't then you would be an honorable person to trust. So in order to gain trust from someone then you have to be an honorable person to them and be loyal at the same time so they would know that you can be a trusted person instead of always being ignored for not being responsible or honorable person to you friends and family.

Medical Scientist

Duties and Responsibilities: They look and help the human health if there is any problem.
Salary: $82,240 per year
Education: Typical scientist have a Ph.D usually in biology or in life science.
Demand for this Profession: Employment of Medical Scientist is projected to grow 8% from 2014 to 2024.
Reflection:  I would not like to be a Medical Scientist because I would not like to be where there are a lot of chemicals.